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Home: Welcome

Ignite your heart and creative side to
envision your goals and bring them to life!



What is Vision Partying?


It's your chance to leave the world behind and step into a magical creative state that lets your dreams flow right out!

Dreaming BIG can be hard when you’re surrounded by so much noise. Vision Partying was created to help you know yourself again, and discover your deeper sense of purpose and clarity – while having a BLAST doing it.

Whether in our vibrant studio or at home with your own vision boarding kit, Vision Partying is designed to be a sanctuary to awaken your playfulness and creativity through the creation of your very own vision board and let you build a visual reminder of your true self, your intentions, and all you wish to manifest in this one life we live.


Sounds quite exciting, doesn't it?


Learn more here!


It's Party Time!


Pop-up Parties


In-Studio Parties


Vision Board Kits

Want to know more about our private and public events? Click here


Meet Cathy

A mom, A visionary, A woman challenging you to
believe that you deserve so much more!

Cathy Gruss, the founder and lead Vision Mentor of Vision Partying, has a unique passion for bringing vision boards to life.


She's been gifted a nonjudgmental ear to listen, strong empathy and love, a vast amount of smiles, relentless support, and enduring hope. As far as she can remember, Cathy's heart has been pulled for a special purpose.  


In 2019, Cathy was shown a way to utilize her gifts of light and love through Vision Partying – to be a tool, providing comfort and hope for those who have lost sight of their light or are simply seeking deeper meaning and bigger dreams.​


It's Super Simple

Ready to take
the first step?!

Do you feel like it's time to bring
a sense of clarity into your life?
Try something new and

spark creativity while having fun?

A party host will contact you within 24hrs to get you scheduled!

Only $60 today secures your spot.
Your $60 deposit will be applied to your final party total of $60/pp.
Party total due must be collected in full prior to the day of your event.


You prefer to order your own party kits

No minimum order quantity required!


Download our FREE workbook to help you get started!


This workbook will help you:


  • Determine which areas of your life need more clarity and attention.

  • Understand and bring forth what you want to manifest in your life.

  • Prepare you for Vision Partying workshops so you come buzzing with inspiration and ideas!

Simply enter your details below 
and download your workbook instantly!

Click here to download

Home: Contact

Stay Connected and

Follow us on Instagram for manifesting and journaling inspirations and tips! TAG us @visionpartying so we can see what you are creating!

Visit us on YouTube!

See Vision Partying in Action!

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